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106 years of memories

In April 2020 Nana Heather Gourlay, BaptistCare’s oldest resident across our aged care homes celebrated her 106th birthday at The Gracewood Centre in Kellyville, in Sydney’s north-west.

Our Gracewood team organised a party to help Nana celebrate the day, with all of the trimmings including cake, balloons, flowers, and video calls with family and friends. Nana’s favourite part of the day was getting dressed in her favourite colour – blue – for her special day.

When asked to share her secret to a long and happy life, Nana’s answer was full of wisdom: “My advice to living a long life is to not be selfish in any way.”

Nana also shared how much she loves her family, and how their happiness is so important to her. “In the coming year, I look forward to seeing my children happy. That’s really the main and only thing in the end.”

We asked Nana what she would like for her 107th birthday and she quickly replied, “Lots of love and hugs!”

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