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106 Years of Memories: Nana celebrates turning 106 at The Gracewood

106 Years of Memories: Nana celebrates turning 106 at The Gracewood

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19 June 2020

Stories | Aged Care Homes

19 June, 2020

Nana Heather Gourlay recently celebrated her 106thbirthday at The Gracewood. BaptistCare currently has 37 residents across our homes who have reached the age of 100 years and Nana is our oldest resident, being born in 1914. Congratulations Nana on this wonderful milestone!

The Gracewood team organised a little party to help Nana celebrate the day, with cake, balloons, flowers, and video-calling family and friends.

“I do recall last year at her 105th birthday celebrated surrounded by family, I asked her what she would like for next birthday, she quickly replied “A nice cup of tea in a china cup”. This year when asked the same thing Nana told me, “I will get back to you”… I told her I need at least a year to plan and she laughed”, said Lynette Outridge, Lifestyle Coordinator at The Gracewood Centre.

Nana resides in Barrington at The Gracewood Centre, and one of Nana’s favourite staff members asked her to share her secrets to a long and happy life.

Q. Happy Birthday Nana! What was your favourite part of celebrating your 106thbirthday recently?
I remember getting dressed in my favourite colour blue for the day.

Q. Did you enjoy your party?
I enjoyed my cake. The piece was just enough.

Q. What advice can you give about living a long life?
My advice to living a long life is not to be selfish in any way.

Q. What do you look forward to, for the coming year?
In the coming year, I look forward to seeing my children happy, that’s really the main and only thing in the end.

Q. What is your favourite part of your day living at The Gracewood?
My favourite part of my day living at Gracewood is the help I receive and strolling through the gardens on a sunny day.

Q. What would you like for your 107th birthday?
What I’d like for my 107th birthday is lots of love and hugs.

Congratulations again Nana, and we wish you all the best for the coming year!