21 April 2020
| Home Care
Baptistcare’s home care services can help seniors stay socially connected, safe and healthy during these times of physical distancing in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our team of skilled professionals are experts in delivering healthcare services that meet the most stringent public health guidelines, including contactless services and telehealth appointments.
When delivering services in-person, you can be assured our team will take additional precautions such as practicing social distancing, minimising any contact, using masks and gloves when appropriate and adopting healthy hygiene practices.
According to Baptistcare CEO, Russell Bricknell, it’s more important than ever that seniors don’t miss out on the essential support they need during this time, including social support.
“If you are a senior who is self-isolating, you may not be able to rely as heavily on your usual support network of family and friends,” he said.
“When you access a Home Care Package with Baptistcare, our Support Workers not only care for your physical health but also offer a connection to the community, and a friendly face in your home when you might be feeling lonely or isolated.”
Mr Bricknell urged those who have already received approval for a home care package not to delay accessing services.
“If you have received your approval letter, keep in mind the government only allocate 56 days from the date of your letter to enter into an agreement before you are placed back on the waitlist,” he said.
“Please don’t let COVID-19 deter you from accessing services that are essential to your physical and mental wellbeing.”
Arrange a free phone or video consultation with your local Baptistcare expert and let us take the stress and uncertainty out of getting you the support you need.
Click here for more information about home care services at BaptistCare.