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Home care support offers peace of mind

Staying connected to community and family is what keeps Baptistcare home care customers Dolly and Ken Weaver young at heart.

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Home care support offers peace of mind

25 November 2022

News | Home Care

Staying connected to community and family is what keeps Baptistcare home care customers Dolly and Ken Weaver young at heart.

With a schedule that rivals the most active millennial, Dolly Weaver might just be one of Western Australia’s busiest seniors.

Her weekly itinerary includes a part-time job, going to the gym, spending time with family and friends, shopping, visiting her church, knitting, cooking and gardening. Dolly is also the primary carer for her husband of 66 years Kenneth, who lives with dementia.

The couple are determined neither age nor health challenges will force them to live apart, so they have engaged Baptistcare to provide home care support.

Having a dedicated support worker visit two days per week allows Kenneth to remain in familiar surroundings with the many treasured items he has collected over the years. It also gives Dolly peace of mind knowing her beloved husband is in good hands while she gets out and about pursuing her favourite hobbies and activities.

“You shouldn’t have to slow down because you are getting older,” she said.

“If anything it should be motivation to continue to get out and do what you love.”

Baptistcare’s home care support has also given Dolly and Ken more free time to focus on their shared passion of family.

“Staying connected to community and family is what keeps us both feeling young at heart and happy.”

If you or a loved one would like some home care support, follow this link for more information about Baptistcare Home Care or contact us on 1300 275 227.