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Roy's Home Care Story

Families are looking for ways to support their ageing loved ones with home care services in Sydney.

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12 May 2022

Stories | Home Care

Roy’s Home Care Choice Is Clear

Families are looking for innovative ways to support their ageing loved ones with home care services in Sydney, when their own time is also so limited; sandwiched between the increased care needs of ageing parents, and the growing demands of a young family of their own..

BaptistCare, the leading home care service of NSW, offers this vital helping hand to families whilst also enabling older Australians to maintain their independence and live at home for longer.

One family who know the competing demands of family life are Nicole, Peter and their father, Roy De Audney. At almost 80 and living with dementia, Roy is active, bright and enjoys sharing time with others.

After losing his wife 18 months ago, Roy is fortunate to have the support of his family. He now lives with his son Peter and young family in their care at home services. The living arrangement suits them all well, and the house has been purpose built to support Roy as he ages.

Yet Peter and his wife are also busy with the demands of work and school. Knowing that they needed a way to provide support for Roy when they couldn’t be there, Roy’s family approached BaptistCare to help develop a plan to keep him both cared for and socially active through the use of BaptistCare’s home care and community services.

The ability to tailor how Roy uses his package makes BaptistCare’s Home Care Services flexible, affordable and of invaluable help to the whole family. He gets a weekly visit from careworker, Charmayne, who helps him to clean, do the laundry as well as provide company and a watchful eye on his wellbeing.

Then twice a week, Roy is collected by the BaptistCare bus for a visit to the local club where he meets up with others for lunch and much-valued conversation.

“I’ve met some new friends, most of the ladies seem to be a greater age than me, but there are a couple of other nice friendly males on the bus,” Roy says.

With the extra domestic assistance and social outings provided, Roy is managing to live independently and remain active.

“People living with dementia still have the capacity to learn and do things and be involved in life as well so we’ve maintained that,” said Roy’s daughter, Nicole.

Nicole is thankful that Roy’s needs are so well met by the trusted Home Care provider, and is relieved for the comfort that it gives her and the family to know that he is cared for when they are unable to be there themselves.

“It quickly became obvious when Mum passed away that Dad needed the extra support. He was really suffering from loneliness,” Nicole said.

Currently approved for a Level 2 package, Roy and the family are able to use the support available to them. On occasions when the whole family is away on holiday, Roy has been able to stay at Willmette, BaptistCare’s overnight guest house in Kellyville; giving his family peace of mind, and Roy his own vacation.

Being able to stay at home has been important to Roy’s overall wellbeing, and he looks forward to the ongoing social activities most - keeping him connected and involved within his community and enjoying great conversation and this is only possible through BaptistCare’s home care services for the elderly.

Nicole said, “He’s safe in his home, a place he’s familiar with - it’s well and truly the best place for him, and our children look forward to his company.”

BaptistCare is a leading not-for-profit care organisation specialising in aged care home services. Passionate about transforming lives by expressing the love of Christ. Serving the elderly and those living with disadvantage for 75 years – caring for over 14,000 people across NSW and the ACT with 4,000 staff and 1,000 volunteers.

If you or someone you love is looking for help with home care services which will allow them to remain socially active and engaged with the community, contact BaptistCare on 1300 275 227 or visit