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Show your support to our aged care workers

Baptistcare thanks aged care workers who are keeping our oldest and most vulnerable community members safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Show your support to our aged care workers

01 April 2020

News | Home Care, Retirement Living, Aged Care Homes

We want to say a huge thank you to all our people on the frontline who are working tirelessly to keep our oldest and most vulnerable community members safe and cared for during this challenging time.

We have supplied physical and digital badges to help our people identify as aged care workers. This not only helps raise awareness of their important role in the community, it also gives the public the opportunity to recognise and thank aged care workers personally for the vital work they do.

You can provide your own personal message of support to our aged care workers via our Facebook page.

Click here for more information about home care services, residential aged care or retirement living at BaptistCare.