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Care packages delivered straight to your door

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, some of our BaptistCare at home services were restricted, including our social clubs, providing day respite, and some general services to our clients in their own homes.

Not to be deterred, the At Home team came up with clever ways to check on the health of our clients and let them know we were thinking of them.

In March 2020 our staff called the more than 20 members of BaptistCare’s own Angel Network Craft Group, who enjoy knitting, asking them if they would like their very own wool delivery service.

We collected wool preferences for each client and then dropped off the wool to their front door. Several members were excited as they could continue knitting for our community services programs that are part of BaptistCare HopeStreet.

For Easter, we put together a special Easter pack of hot cross buns, chocolate eggs and a short note, delivering over 75 Easter packs across Western Sydney.

One client was overjoyed, telling our staff member “I was just thinking how I was going to get my hot cross buns, you are an angel sent to me!”

Despite the many challenges the health crisis has caused for our clients and team, finding a way to show our care has still been top of mind for our At Home team.

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BaptistCare at home