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We work together with our church and organisational partners to produce quality resources to assist individuals, churches and organisations to thrive.

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Spiritual Care Webinar Series

BaptistCare and the Baptist Churches of NSW/ACT have compiled an excellent series of webinars offering insights into topics people are likely to encounter as they support and care for people. This series has application not only now during COVID-19 but during times of crisis and day-to-day life.

Spiritual Care Webinar Series

Healthy Relationships Video Project

The Baptist Association of NSW and ACT has compiled an excellent series of short videos to help you navigate relationships during and beyond COVID-19.

The Healthy Relationships Video Project grew out of a recognition that COVID-19 presents challenges for families and individuals unlike any previously experienced.

There was a pressing need for short and digestible resources to help families, couples and individuals manage and flourish in their relationships. The take home messages from each video ring true beyond COVID-19.

For more information visit the Healthy Relationships Project.

Healthy Relationships Video Project

The Healthy Relationships Video Project by the Australian Baptist Ministries originally grew out of a recognition that Covid-19 presented challenges for families and individuals that we have never seen before.

No Place for Violence Here

In 2018-19 A Just Cause, the Baptist Churches of NSW/ACT, and BaptistCare NSW & ACT worked together to run a campaign targeted at Baptist churches to raise awareness of Domestic and Family Violence (DFV), how churches might respond helpfully, and to mobilise advocacy for greater government investment in specialist DFV services and social housing.

The campaign has now ended and a group of women leaders, including theologians, pastors, and DFV specialists are developing a comprehensive resource for churches.

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The Values Project

The Values Project is designed to help organisations, churches and groups reflect, talk and learn about our identity and values as communities of faith within the Australian Baptist movement.

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Leadership Lessons Learned Video

This COVID-19 season has been full of lessons. Ross Low, CEO of BaptistCare NSW and ACT, Steve Bartlett, DOM for Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT, Ross Clifford, Principal of Morling Theological College and John Hickey, CEO of Baptist World Aid Australia chat about the lessons they’ve learned so far throughout COVID-19, including the challenges faced at our Dorothy Henderson Lodge.

Watch the video