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SAHF housing developments make good progress

Our final three Social and Affordable Housing Fund (SAHF) developments continued to make good progress this year, with our development at Five Dock, in Sydney’s inner west, seeing 79 apartments for seniors near completion. Our former 56 year old Kitty Doyle site has been completely redeveloped to provide modern and age-appropriate housing for tenants.

The development is set for completion in September 2020 and will be named BaptistCare Kitty Doyle Apartments.

In Elderslie, south west Sydney, 122 units for seniors and families made significant progress with the development, to be named BaptistCare Narralling Community, due for completion in October 2020.

Our development at Carlingford, on the birthplace of BaptistCare’s very first home, met a number of milestones including approval for the Planning Proposal to rezone the property in November 2019, and the Development Application for the SAHF component of this site being submitted to Council in April 2020. This development will include 162 units for seniors and families and is due for completion in 2022.

BaptistCare’s approach to housing is more than a roof over someone’s head. We offer holistic support and renewed hope for people, as well as developing stronger communities.

All eight SAHF developments BaptistCare is delivering are in partnership with the NSW Government SAHF program, to develop and manage social and affordable housing, catering to those most in need across the state. The units are financed and developed on BaptistCare-owned land and BaptistCare will manage the portfolio over the next 25 years.

The SAHF is a key component of the NSW Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW strategy that will result in more social and affordable housing dwellings linked to tailored support, to help households gain independence.


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