103-year-old Wilhelmina tells us, “Worry is a waste of time. If something is meant to happen, it will”
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07 December 2020
| Home Care
7 December, 2020
Wilhelmina Kop is a client of BaptistCare at home Central Coast/Hunter who has a zest for life. She has turned a remarkable 103 years old - Happy Birthday Wilhelmina!
Wilhelmina’s daughter Anneka told us that her mum would be happy with the recognition and attention for this milestone birthday.
Wilhelmina early years were spent growing up as an only child in a country town in South Holland (the Netherlands) called Ulvenhoot.
After Wilhelmina’s mother died when Wilhelmina was 21-years-old, she lived for another decade or so in Holland before moving to Australia on February 12, 1952, when Wilhelmina was 34 years old.
Wilhelmina and her husband built their home together in Newport on Sydney’s northern beaches which at that time was sparsely populated with only a few small grocery stores in the now bustling main street. Together they had one daughter, Anneka. Sadly, Wilhelmina’s husband died in 1983 and until very recently Wilhelmina has been living with her daughter Anneka.
Wilhelmina has always loved having an active social life. She enjoys good food and entertainment and travelled on many cruises, including to Canada, Cairns, Darwin, Bali, the Cook Islands and the Norfolk Islands. Wilhelmina’s last cruise was at 90-years-of age by herself, without even a cane to assist with mobility.
Wilhelmina’s daughter Anneka says that her mum was never a worrier, feeling it is a waste of time.
Care Facilitator Lynette Warwick from At Home Central Coast/Hunter region says that Wilhelmina is “a quietly-mannered lady, with a zest for life and a sparkle in her eye. Wilhelmina is always dressed beautifully – full of colour, flowers, matching shoes - quite swish and arty, like her daughter too. She enjoys company and has a pleasant disposition which made the service a joy for our staff.”
“This is a lovely photo of Wilhelmina and her daughter Anneka, and her granddaughter, Laura Kate O’Toole. Wilhemina sees no point in worrying. Her philosophy is ‘if something is meant to happen it will’”, said Lynette.
Chaplain Sharon Nash has been meeting up with Wilhelmina, or Mina as Sharon calls her, for about three years and knows her well, saying that Wilhelmina is very open and loves to chat and likes to talk about a wide variety of topics.
“Mina loves to laugh and has a great sense of humour, she has such joy about her and she is very grateful – she prays to God for her good health – she is 103 after all! – and she knows that despite life’s ups and downs, that God is looking after her”, said Sharon.
“Mina has had a few trips to hospital this year with breathing and getting less and less mobile, so she has recently made the move to BaptistCare Bethshan Gardens Centre from living at home with her daughter Anneka. Wilhelmina has a great, positive attitude and makes the most of every situation,” continued Sharon.
Wilhelmina’s daughter Anneka passed on her thanks to BaptistCare at home staff for allowing her mum to stay at home as long as she has.
Happy 103rd Birthday Wilhelmina, from all your friends at BaptistCare!