20 June 2020
| Aged Care Homes
After more than 10 years volunteering at Baptistcare David Buttfield Centre Residential Care in Gwelup, Bev Denko still says it’s hearing the residents’ stories that she enjoys the most.
Three days a week, the active 86-year-old gives up her time to help out in the Baptistcare David Buttfield Centre garden, the kiosk or the dining room and keep residents company at mealtimes, or on walks around the grounds.
You’ll also often find her watering residents’ plants or giving residents a hand massage. She’s even helped one resident build a veggie patch in the garden.
But it’s the chats and friendships that Mrs Denko says are the best part of being a Baptistcare volunteer.
“Residents often like talking about their early life and I love hearing their stories. I love doing what I do at Baptistcare,” she said.
“Volunteering is very satisfying, but it’s the people who make it so special. If you go in with an open mind, I think you can get so much out of the volunteer experience.”
For more information about volunteering with us, please follow this link or contact us on 1300 275 227.