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New Women’s Space at St Marys opens doors

The relocated BaptistCare Women’s Space in St Marys opened its doors in February.

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New womens space

17 March 2022

News | HopeStreet

The relocated BaptistCare Women’s Space in St Marys opened its doors in February. The purposely renovated cottage is large and homely, beautifully furnished, with private casework offices, dining and lounge, and a
big backyard.

Our Women's Spaces in Darlinghurst and St Marys exist for women facing challenges and at risk of marginalisation. They are welcoming spaces that operate as a quiet, safe and comfortable day refuge, with showers, laundry facilities, emergency food and toiletries.

Kasia (Katarzyna) Ross, Women’s Services Manager said the new space in St Marys is everything the service needed. “It’s somewhere where we can support a woman in a way that they feel supported, valued and safe. Women are coming to feel a sense of belonging and safety.”

The energy from our dedicated team adds to the atmosphere. “They really give themselves to their community and the women we support. They’re here because they are passionate and it’s so rewarding for them,” said Kasia.

Every woman comes for a different reason. Some women are involved in the sex industry, others face domestic violence, or women are experiencing more complex circumstances such as homelessness, mental illness, and addiction.

“Some women come in to wash their clothes, get warm, and eat something. Others want company and a conversation, or to get referrals for other services like housing and Centrelink. Women also come access the phone or internet.”

“A woman I have been working with since September has finally found enough stability in her life that she has expressed her goals with me. These goals include starting her own business, wanting to work towards empowering other women in her community who may too have experienced domestic violence. I thought this was very special because during our latest appointment I noticed a different light shining through her. I realised she had restored hope and excitement in her life after experiencing a lot of trauma.”
- From our caseworker.

Women’s Space services

  • health promotion
  • casework and counselling
  • housing support
  • English classes
  • advocacy
  • social activities and
    group programs
  • Work Development Orders (WDO) sponsorship
  • sex worker support
  • domestic and family violence support
  • programs and support for CALD women
  • chaplaincy
  • shower and laundry facilities
  • drop-in support
  • emergency food support
  • basic toiletries

Learn more about Women's Spaces in St Marys and Darlinghurst here.