BaptistCare Griffith is currently experiencing an exposure or outbreak of an infectious disease.
- Some areas of the home may have changed visiting arrangements.
- Please contact the home directly for more information about visiting your loved one.
Visitor information during an acute respiratory or gastroenteritis exposure or outbreak
- Visitors may be required to take a RAT prior to entry.
- All visitors must wear an N95 face mask while visiting the home.
- Hand hygiene is important and must be performed
- If visiting the affected area you may require full PPE.
- Nominated Care Partners can visit at any time to assist their loved one.
- Please contact the home directly on 02 6195 6600 for details of visiting arrangements.
For areas of the home NOT in exposure or outbreak:
General visitor information
- There is no restriction on the number of visitors for residents.
- All visitors over 12 years of age will be required to wear a facemask that BaptistCare will provide if there is an exposure or outbreak of an infectious illness.
- Where possible, visits should be held outdoors or in well-ventilated areas away from other residents.
- Social distancing is encouraged, particularly in communal areas.
- Visitors may be required to take a RAT before entering the home.
- Visitors are strongly encouraged to have booster vaccines (Influenza and COVID-19) if/when they are eligible.
- The home or parts of the home may temporarily close to general visitors during an exposure or outbreak, however Care Partners will always be able to visit as they are provided with Infection Prevention and Control training.
Please DO NOT visit the home if:
- You have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past seven days, unless approved by the Residential Manager on compassionate grounds.
- You are unwell or have experienced any symptoms of any infectious disease. These include but are not limited to cold and flu symptoms, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
- You have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or another infectious disease in the last seven days.
Resident Excursions
- Residents can be taken out of the home for excursions, although we would ask that you consider the risks involved. We are strongly recommending residents stay in the home when there are high case numbers in the community. Excursions to low-risk settings, preferably outdoors, or with good ventilation is encouraged. Appropriate social distancing, hand hygiene and mask-wearing where possible are important to keep your loved one safe.
Thank you
We wish to thank you for your support of our team at BaptistCare Griffith.
Please know we are doing all we can in partnership with health authorities and with support from our wider residential leadership team and our executive leadership team to respond to this situation. The health, safety and well-being of your loved one is our absolute priority.