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Reconciliation Action Plan

Respect is one of our core values at BaptistCare

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Respect is one of our core values at BaptistCare

We believe respectful relationships are at the heart of reconciliation and strengthening them is the shared joy and responsibility of all Australians. In partnership with Reconciliation Australia, BaptistCare is pleased to launch our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

Our Reflect RAP reflects our commitment to building a safe, culturally diverse organisation where First Nations people are welcomed and embraced. As a Christian organisation, we aspire for social justice for First Nations people in the present and future.

We invite our staff, customers, and stakeholders to strengthen relationships between First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous Australians to benefit all. Our RAP is a journey for all of us, as an organisation, that will provide a meaningful road map towards greater respect and stronger relationships with First Nations people.

BaptistCare’s vision for reconciliation

“Acknowledge past and present wrongs and injustices, build and embed cultural safety and create safe spaces across our whole organisation, so we can work towards healing and walking together."

About our RAP artwork

Our beautiful artwork, titled 'Pathway to Unity,' was created by Kyralee Shields. Kyralee is a proud Darug and Darkinjung woman who expresses her connection to her culture through her art. Her artwork reflects her culture, heritage, tradition and strong connection to the land and her people. She tries to capture the beautiful, ancient traditions and the hurt and damage from the past in all she creates. Her modern, contemporary artwork aims to represent and applaud her strong female ancestors while honouring traditional art forms.

Kyralee says about the artwork:

"The left circle is BaptistCare, the right circle is First Nations people and the central circle represents both coming together. Songlines behind the three circles represent the story of reconciliation. Stars represent dreams for change on the journey to reconciliation."

For more information about Kyralee, or to view some of her other work, visit Kyralee Shields Art.