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Palliative Care

Because palliative care isn’t just about the illness but about supporting residents and their families on the journey, we built our own unique model of care.

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elderly aged care resident sitting down outside the nursing home with two baptistcare aged care workers

BaptistCare Palliative Approach

The BaptistCare Palliative Approach in Aged Care Homes provides a model of care that enhances resident quality of life while recognising the journey of individuals living with life-limiting–illness. Residents, families and staff work together to clearly and openly communicate and achieve understanding on the resident’s care goals, symptom management at each stage of their illness and to reduce potential distress.

Using our ‘Affirm, Balance, Comfort’ approach, we discuss your choices on admission and throughout your stay to involve you in decisions around end of life care. This allows us to adapt your care plan to suit your changing needs and brings great comfort to you and your family.

Affirm, Balance & Comfort

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