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Land to table initiative bearing fruit for Brookton seniors at Kalkarni Residential Care

Baptistcare Kalkarni Residential Care’s residents are now growing a range of fruits and vegetables embracing a new ‘land to table food’ initiative.

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Land to table initiative bearing fruit for Brookton seniors at Kalkarni

31 August 2022

News | Aged Care Homes

A fragrant citrus tree in the grounds at Baptistcare Kalkarni Residential Care in Brookton has been the inspiration for its residents to embrace a new ‘land to table food’ initiative.

Gardening has always been a favourite hobby among seniors who call Kalkarni home, but several months ago the dedicated green thumbs decided the annual harvest of plump, juicy oranges was destined for more than the fruit bowl.

Treasured recipes from residents who love to cook resulted in delicious marmalades, fresh breakfast juice and mouth-watering cakes and biscuits, while chef Ravikumar Subbiah’s Duck a l’Orange became an instant menu favourite.

The successful orange tree initiative has been the catalyst to turn the facility’s gardens into a food bowl.

With the help of staff and volunteers, Baptistcare Kalkarni’s residents are now planting a range of vegetables including tomatoes, cucumbers, beetroots and peas.

They also plan to grow herbs and establish a worm farm.

Baptistcare Manager Residential Care, June Harwood, said many Kalkarni residents have an affinity with the land and have rediscovered their passion for sustainable living through gardening and cooking.

“There is a lot of joy and satisfaction in planning what foods to produce and then working together to bring them to the dining room table,” she said.

“It provides a sense of purpose and generates lots of conversations about everything from natural pest control to cooking techniques which makes each day different and interesting.

“Our residents are embracing every aspect of the land to table concept, and it will be exciting to see where they take it in the coming months.”

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