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Thank you to the generous individuals, colleagues and businesses that have donated to our BaptistCare NSW Flood Appeal.

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20 June 2022

News | BaptistCare

Thank you to the generous individuals, colleagues and businesses that have donated to our BaptistCare NSW Flood Appeal.

Thanks to your support we have surpassed our original goal of $100,000 with current funds raised for our NSW Flood Appeal totalling over $255,000 at the time of writing.

We are actively distributing the funds as our Northern Rivers teams continue to deliver vital humanitarian support in our local communities; to our residents, clients, tenants and staff as we come to understand the extent of the damage to the region.

In recent weeks, approximately 40 local Northern Rivers team members whose primary place of residence was severely affected by the flood received a secondary cash grant, bringing the total gift to $5000 per individual to help them in their efforts to rebuild their lives.

Money raised initially supported our emergency response, including delivering food, water, personal and essential items directly to where they have been needed. We know recovery and rebuilding is a long road, and we continue to hold all who have been affected by the natural disaster in our thoughts and prayers.

“I have heard the stories of survival and resilience from our Northern Rivers teams; from our HopeStreet outreach and community housing teams in Lismore, to our retirement and aged care teams in Alstonville and Coraki. Their experiences are both heart-breaking and a testament to the human spirit,” said Charles Moore, CEO BaptistCare.

“Our BaptistCare community has come together with such generosity and strength in a short amount of time. We’ve been able to extend this generosity to our BaptistCare team members who have experienced significant damage and loss in their own homes,” said Charles.

You can continue to help make a difference in the real lives and beating hearts of the Northern Rivers community by supporting our NSW Northern Rivers flood appeal.