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Maggie Beer talks to BaptistCare about eating well as we age!

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Maggie Beer talks to BaptistCare about eating well as we age!


BaptistCare clients from across New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory dialled into the livestream question and answer session, with Maggie speaking from her kitchen in South Australia’s Barossa Valley.

The discussion covered Maggie’s passion for improving the health of Australian seniors through nutritional and tasty meals, how that led to her establishing the Maggie Beer Foundation, her tips for nourishing cooking, and how seniors can use the internet as a resource for food education, cooking and community.

Many BaptistCare at home clients watched the online event and were able to submit some questions at the end to ask Maggie.


The Q&A is part of a program of senior-friendly activities BaptistCare created to mark Get Online Week (19-25 October), a government-supported initiative that has been designed to empower Australians to take advantage of the internet.

BaptistCare’s clients have been engaging in sessions ranging from sing-alongs and online games, to art and technology classes.

Australians are at risk of becoming isolated as they age, which has only been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. While socially distancing, isolating or in lockdowns, Australians have relied on technology to keep in touch, which has proven difficult for many seniors.

The Get Online Week activities have formed a broader effort by BaptistCare at home to mitigate the isolation experienced by seniors, with several programs rolled out to engage clients with technology and improve their wellbeing through connecting them with the community and family.

BaptistCare at home client, Pamela Murphy, 78 said:

"The internet is completely foreign to me. For many older people it is a big challenge when you don’t know anything and overwhelming with the amount of information online. We often need help to take the first step and have someone explain things to us.”
“When BaptistCare sent a letter out to me asking if I was interested in learning more about the internet and how to get online, I said yes straight away. I wasn’t tech savvy, I don’t know what the little symbols all stand for but it was good to get lessons that explained lots of different online tips. My grandchildren live out in the country so being able to get online and connect over email or listen to new things like this event with Maggie Beer, makes a big difference to our lives.”

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Maggie Beer's Recipe For Life Book

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